Recent Posts
Can Physical Silver Really Change Your Life?
As the world heads towards an inevitable economic crisis resulting from an ever rapidly global debt bubble, speculation abounds within elements of the investor community that ownership of physical silver will have the ability, in the midst of the crisis, to change people’s lives potentially on the scale of the 2011 - 2017 price explosion of Bitcoin. Such is the [...]
Deposit Insurance Where The Insurer Has No Money To Pay
Australians with bank deposits who believe their deposit is insured by the Federal Government via the Financial Claims Scheme (FCS) may be in for a rude shock. In the aftermath of the collapse of Lehmann Brothers in September and October 2008, Australia experienced a fall in domestic economic confidence and even panic in some quarters. This led to rumours on the [...]
Will The Prime Minister Order A 'Smash And Grab' Of Bank Deposits?
Among the people, confidence in the Australian and international banking system is becoming precarious. Ten years on from the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and both Australia and the world are faced with: record levels of Australian domestic and global debt (including as a proportion of the size of the Australian and global economies respectively); a breakout of inflation across the developed and developing [...]
The Madness Of Modern Monetary Theory
Australians who are concerned with their economic welfare and standard of living must quickly come to terms with Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). In recent years, a select group of Australian and international academics have advanced MMT as a radical heterodox economic thesis of how an economy can achieve full employment. For these economists, involuntary unemployment is considered the greatest economic evil [...]
RBA Is Actively Blowing Up Australia's Biggest Debt Bubble Until It Breaks
Australians must quickly come to the realisation that the country is suffering from a chronic failure of public policy as it relates to official interest rates and the Australian Government’s monetary policy framework. Last week, the board of the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) kept official interest rates at 1.5 per cent, the 24 th consecutive month since August 2016. Moreover, the [...]
Be Wary of the Fallacious Net Household Debt Argument
Australians should treat claims that household debt is not a concern carefully. In recent weeks, two prominent columns, one by Don Stammer, titled ‘ Housing crash unlikely, based on real debt levels’ in the Australian published on 19 June 2018 and another by Michael Pascoe titled, ‘Why household debt is not as scary as generally claimed’ in the New Daily on 25 July 2018 have [...]
APRA Airbrushes Australian History To Avoid Economic Armageddon
Australia has truly entered the uncharted twilight zone. Last week, Chairman of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), Wayne Byres delivered a speech entitled ‘preparing for a rainy day’ . The Chairman, as part of this speech, outlined a range of policy initiatives that APRA has implemented in recent years to reduce risky lending practices by domestic authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs) as [...]
Mike Maloney: The Top 10 Reasons I Own Gold and Silver
via Mike Maloney and When the average investor thinks about gold, they may view it as an inflation hedge. Or maybe as crisis insurance. Or perhaps solely as a portfolio diversifier. These are all good reasons to own gold—but those are always good reasons to buy precious metals. Mike Maloney’s reasons to own gold and silver [...]
Bank Crisis and Debt Explosion as Billionaires keep buying Gold and Silver
There have been a number of points of interest since our last newsletter which should give you a continued reason to add to your stack of silver and gold bullion. There are more billionaires and the only trillionaire in the world now accumulating gold and silver in their portfolios. At the end of our seven points [...]
World Economists Are Asking... Where Is The Global Growth Going To Come From?
The question is being asked by every Austrian economist that has written a blog in the last 60 days.Since 1971 when gold was removed from backing the world currency, the US dollar, all currencies worldwide are borrowed into existence and an interest rate is applied to that borrowed currency. If the GDP of that country [...]